Gérard T. Lagleder's Homepage
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Tell me, what you read - and I tell you, who you are!

Sag mir, was Du liest - und ich sage Dir, wer Du bist!

Instead of an autobiography, there are some of my bookmarks!

I know, they need to be updated and better organised.

Anstelle einer Autobiographie, hier sind einige meiner Lesezeichen!

Ich bin mir durchaus bewußt, daß diese aktualisiert und besser geordnet werden sollten.

Roman Catholic Church

Diözese Regensburg

Religious Orders and Congregations


Order of St. Benedict

Order of St. John

Caritascaritas.gif (3785 bytes)

Cursillodecolore.gif (5792 bytes)

Places of Pilgrimage / Shrines

Medicine / Emergency / Relief

South African Interest

Computer Interest



Audio on demand (links to audio news worldwide, e.g. Vatican, South Africa)

Personal Interest

Magazines & Newspapers which I subscribe to and/or read:


Page last updated on Freitag, 03 Januar 2020 10:18:58

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