Merry Christmas! |
Frohe Weihnachten! |
Zulu nativity scene at Blesssed Gérard's Church in Mandeni / kwaZulu-Natal /
South Africa, carved in thombothi wood, by Joel Mbuyisa.
May the glory and peace
Möge Ihr Leben
Father Gérard T. Lagleder
Pater Gerhard T. Lagleder OSB
Please visitBrotherhood
of Blessed Gérard
Bitte lesen SieBrotherhood of Blessed
Our Christmas concern and request:The Brotherhood of Blessed Gérard combating HIV in the AIDS capital of the world Donations to the May God reward you for your generosity! |
Unser Weihnachtsanliegen und unsere Weihnachtsbitte:Ein Himmel von Pflege inmitten der Aidshölle Spenden für die Vergelt's Gott! |
This page was last updated on Mittwoch, 31 Dezember 2014 18:58:34